С 1 апреля 2024 русскоязычная версия журнала доступна только в Телеграм канале:https://t.me/zhurnal_MB_bot
As I write this blog, the 2024 Republican National Convention is winding down in my home town. While I am sure that this event got wide coverage all over the United States and possibly around the world, here at home the media exposure has been non-stop. Every possible aspect of the meetings and the impact they had on our city has been dissected by the media and discussed in most households and businesses.
More recently, news has come out regarding President Biden’s COVID-19 diagnosis. The hubbub surrounding his ability to continue as the Democratic Party’s nominee for President of the United States has increased as the clamor regarding the RNC fades.
I am aware that several days will pass between today and the day that you read this, and things—political and otherwise—will have changed in that relatively brief time span. It strikes me that it is easy to be overwhelmed by things that, while significant, don’t compare to the eternal importance of knowing God and God’s word. How easy it is to let the clamor of the world outside shut out the voice of God, who sometimes speaks in a whisper. How vital it is in these hectic days to focus, through prayer and the study of God’s word, on the “pattern” God has set for us and to make that—not the ideals and concerns of the world—our guiding light.